Brutal Truth Konserttien settilista

Valmistaudu Brutal Truth:n seuraavaan konserttiin, kiertue 2025

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Top 10 soitetuinta kappaletta Brutal Truth:n viimeisissä 40 konsertissa.

Settilistan profiili

Kappaleita julkaistiin seuraavilla albumeilla:

Seuraava settilista

Kuinka pitkä konsertti on?

Kuinka pitkä konsertti on? Brutal Truth on lavalla noin 1:10 ajan. Tässä on todennäköinen settilista aikaisempien konserttien perusteella (43% todennäköisyys):

Kappaleen nimi
  1. Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses cover Birth of Ignorance
  2. For Drug Crazed Grindfreaks Only! cover Stench of Profit
  3. Evolution Through Revolution cover Sugardaddy
  4. Evolution In One Take: For Grindfreaks Only! Vol. 2 cover Get a Therapist... Spare the World
  5. End Time cover Malice
  6. End Time cover Simple Math
  7. End Time cover End Time
  8. End Time cover Fuck Cancer
  9. End Time cover Celebratory Gunfire
  10. Evolution Through Revolution cover Evolution Through Revolution
  11. Evolution Through Revolution cover Branded
  12. End Time cover Addicted
  13. Need To Control cover Godplayer
  14. Need To Control cover I See Red
  15. Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses cover Walking Corpse
  16. Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses cover Collateral Damage
  17. Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses cover Denial of Existence
  18. Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses cover Time
  19. Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses cover Ill-Neglect
  20. Need To Control cover Choice of a New Generation

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Samankaltaiset artistit

  1. Fear Of Napalm
  2. Storm Of Stress
  3. Corporation Pull-In
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  1. Inhale / Exhale
  2. Scoop
  3. The Masked Face
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  1. Scum
  2. Nazi Punks Fuck Off
  3. Lucid Fairytale
Napalm Death Photo

Napalm Death

  1. Burden
  2. Superior
  3. Alone
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Rotten Sound

  1. Self Termination
  2. Manipulator
  3. Enslaved by Machinery
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Insect Warfare

  1. The Stench of Burning Death
  2. Eaten Alive
  3. Black Breath
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  1. Amputee
  2. Not a Daughter
  3. Hung from the Rising Sun
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Agoraphobic Nosebleed

  1. The Sound of Your Smashed Head
  2. Ailleurs
  3. Absence and Despite
Fuck the Facts Photo

Fuck the Facts

  1. Trojan Whore
  2. Thumbsucker
  3. The Diplomat
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Pig Destroyer

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