The Black Dahlia Murder Konserttien settilista

Valmistaudu The Black Dahlia Murder:n seuraavaan konserttiin, kiertue 2025

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Top 10 soitetuinta kappaletta The Black Dahlia Murder:n viimeisissä 40 konsertissa.

Settilistan profiili

Kappaleita julkaistiin seuraavilla albumeilla:

Seuraava settilista

Kuuntele seuraavan konsertin soittolista (päivitetään jokaisen kiertuepäivän jälkeen):

Kuinka pitkä konsertti on?

Kuinka pitkä konsertti on? The Black Dahlia Murder on lavalla noin 1:06 ajan. Tässä on todennäköinen settilista aikaisempien konserttien perusteella (80% todennäköisyys):

Kappaleen nimi
  1. Servitude cover Evening Ephemeral
  2. Servitude cover Panic Hysteric
  3. Nightbringers cover Kings of the Nightworld
  4. Nocturnal cover What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse
  5. Servitude cover Mammoth's Hand
  6. Miasma cover Statutory Ape
  7. Servitude cover Aftermath
  8. Verminous cover Sunless Empire
  9. Nocturnal cover Everything Went Black
  10. Unhallowed cover Unhallowed
  11. Unhallowed cover Funeral Thirst
  12. Nightbringers cover Nightbringers
  13. Nocturnal cover Deathmask Divine

The Black Dahlia Murder Tour Map 2025

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Saatat myös pitää

Samankaltaiset artistit

  1. Entombment of a Machine
  2. Knee Deep
  3. Beyond the Chemical Doorway
Job for a Cowboy Photo

Job for a Cowboy

  1. Autotheist Movement I: Create
  2. Ancient Covenant
  3. An Autopsy
The Faceless Photo

The Faceless

  1. Scourge of the Offspring
  2. Bring Back the Plague
  3. Forced Gender Reassignment
Cattle Decapitation Photo

Cattle Decapitation

  1. Wage Slaves
  2. There Is Nothing Left
  3. There Is No Business to Be Done on a Dead Planet
All Shall Perish Photo

All Shall Perish

  1. In Dying Days
  2. My Fears Have Become Phobias
  3. Intro
As Blood Runs Black Photo

As Blood Runs Black

  1. DEMON(S)
  2. With A Thousand Words To Say But One
  3. Perpetual Terminal
Darkest Hour Photo

Darkest Hour

  1. Death Cult
  2. Purgatory
  3. MVP
Despised Icon Photo

Despised Icon

  1. Forced to Rock
  2. Overthrown
  3. Unwelcome
Arsis Photo


  1. SLIT WRIST SAVIOR - Graveside Edition
  2. Lie To My Face
  3. The Heretic Anthem
Carnifex Photo


  1. Reign of Darkness
  2. Puppet Master
  3. Holy War
Thy Art Is Murder Photo

Thy Art Is Murder

  1. A Visceral Retch
  2. The Saw Is the Law
  3. Hickory Creek
Whitechapel Photo


  1. Two Inches from a Main Artery
  2. As Good as Dead
  3. Failure in the Flesh
Through the Eyes of the Dead Photo

Through the Eyes of the Dead

  1. Dreadbringer
  2. Infinite Terror
  3. Death Cult
Aborted Photo


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