Quarters Of Change Konserttien settilista

Valmistaudu Quarters Of Change:n seuraavaan konserttiin, kiertue 2024

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Suosittuja kappaleita

Top 10 soitetuinta kappaletta Quarters Of Change:n viimeisissä 40 konsertissa.

Settilistan profiili

Kappaleita julkaistiin seuraavilla albumeilla:

Seuraava settilista

Kuinka pitkä konsertti on?

Kuinka pitkä konsertti on? Quarters Of Change on lavalla noin 1:08 ajan. Tässä on todennäköinen settilista aikaisempien konserttien perusteella (60% todennäköisyys):

Kappaleen nimi
  1. Portraits cover What I Wanted
  2. Portraits cover Tightrope
  3. Into The Rift cover Blue Copper
  4. Portraits cover Do or Die
  5. Portraits cover Keep My Blood
  6. Portraits cover Heaven Bound
  7. Portraits cover Turn It Away
  8. Into The Rift cover T Love
  9. Encore #1

  10. no cover Kiwi
  11. Into The Rift cover Rift

Quarters Of Change Tour Map 2024

Seuraa Quarters Of Change:ää ympäri maailmaa tämän interaktiivisen kiertuekartan avulla. Tutustu paikkoihin, joissa voit nähdä Quarters Of Change kiertueella.

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Saatat myös pitää

Samankaltaiset artistit

  1. August
  2. Savannah
  3. Rodeo Clown
flipturn Photo


  1. City Lights
  2. Cabins
  3. A Slow Descent
Hall Johnson Photo

Hall Johnson

  1. Country
  2. Get On
  3. Howl
Racoma Photo


  1. didya think
  2. big fat mouth
  3. barcelona boots
Arlie Photo


  1. Televised
  2. Vowels (and the Importance of Being Me)
  3. Cry For Me


  1. Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat
  2. All We Ever Do Is Talk
  3. Perfume
Del Water Gap Photo

Del Water Gap

  1. Freakin' Out On the Interstate
  2. Small Talk
  3. Caroline
Briston Maroney Photo

Briston Maroney

  1. Peach Trees
  2. Grace
  3. Goofy
Ax and the Hatchetmen Photo

Ax and the Hatchetmen

  1. Marceline
  2. If I Didn't Have You
  3. Gotta Get Away
Vista Kicks Photo

Vista Kicks

  1. Monodrama
  2. Violent
  3. SASFM
Benches Photo


  1. Unrequited Love (& other clichés)
  2. Nicotine Dream
  3. Brian Wilson Is My Dad
Breakup Shoes Photo

Breakup Shoes

  1. Electric U
  2. I Kissed a Girl, And She Kissed Me
  3. Different State of Mind
Kid Bloom Photo

Kid Bloom

  1. The Cue
  2. Moving On
  3. Ruby Fields
Sarah and the Sundays Photo

Sarah and the Sundays

  1. Chicken
  2. Beta
  3. Sideways
Your Neighbors Photo

Your Neighbors

  1. Stay
  2. Younger
  3. Fiona
The Hails Photo

The Hails

  1. Stella Brown
  2. I'm in Love
  3. Marigold
Jelani Aryeh Photo

Jelani Aryeh

  1. Insomnia
  2. Grand Hoodoo
  3. Willie's Song
the moss Photo

the moss

  1. Catacombs
  2. Lying Through Their Teeth
  3. Wish We Could Be Friends
Krooked Kings Photo

Krooked Kings

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