Rhapsody Of Fire Konserttien settilista

Valmistaudu Rhapsody Of Fire:n seuraavaan konserttiin, kiertue 2024

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Top 10 soitetuinta kappaletta Rhapsody Of Fire:n viimeisissä 40 konsertissa.

Settilistan profiili

Kappaleita julkaistiin seuraavilla albumeilla:

Seuraava settilista

Kuinka pitkä konsertti on?

Kuinka pitkä konsertti on? Rhapsody Of Fire on lavalla noin 1:53 ajan. Tässä on todennäköinen settilista aikaisempien konserttien perusteella (89% todennäköisyys):

Kappaleen nimi
  1. Live - From Chaos To Eternity cover The Dark Secret
  2. Live - From Chaos To Eternity cover Unholy Warcry
  3. I'll Be Your Hero cover I'll Be Your Hero
  4. Glory For Salvation cover Chains of Destiny
  5. Power Of The Dragonflame cover The March of the Swordmaster
  6. Challenge The Wind cover Challenge the Wind
  7. The Eighth Mountain cover March Against the Tyrant
  8. no cover A New Saga Begins
  9. Challenge The Wind cover Diamond Claws
  10. The Magic Of The Wizard's Dream - Ep (feat. Christopher Lee) cover The Magic of the Wizard's Dream
  11. Dawn Of Victory cover Dawn of Victory
  12. Encore #1

  13. The Frozen Tears Of Angels cover Reign of Terror
  14. Challenge The Wind cover Kreel’s Magic Staff
  15. Legendary Years (re-recorded) cover Land of Immortals
  16. Symphony Of Enchanted Lands cover Emerald Sword

Rhapsody Of Fire Tour Map 2024

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  2. Mystic and Divine
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Luca Turilli

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  3. Dante's Inferno
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Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody

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  2. Canción Del Pirata
  3. In the Heart of Stone
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Dark Moor

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  2. Black Diamond
  3. Eagleheart
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  1. A Soldier's Letter
  2. Heralds of the Green Lands
  3. Hubris Et Orbis
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  1. The Neverending Story
  2. Rondo a La Turca
  3. Shadow of the Mithril Mountains
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  1. The Bard's Song - In the Forest - Remastered 2007
  2. Mirror Mirror - Remastered 2007
  3. Skalds and Shadows
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Blind Guardian

  1. Wuthering Heights
  2. Carry On
  3. Bleeding Heart
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  1. Lord Of War
  2. Eternal Light
  3. DNA
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