Walkie Talkie Konserttien settilista

Valmistaudu Walkie Talkie:n seuraavaan konserttiin, kiertue 2024

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Walkie Talkie Tour Map 2024

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Saatat myös pitää

Samankaltaiset artistit

  1. A Place Called Heaven
  2. The Lord Is Watching You
  3. Standing in the Unemployment Line


  1. Satisfied with Soul
  2. Garrison Survives
  3. Miss a Plane
Dinosaurus Rex Photo

Dinosaurus Rex

  1. Golden Years - Pinemarten Remix
Pinemarten Photo


  1. The Skyline Flowers
  2. Let's Just Be - Capo Blanco Remix
  3. Moonlight
Capo Blanco Photo

Capo Blanco

  1. Wax Museum
  2. The Getaway
  3. Subject To Change
The Red Thread Photo

The Red Thread

  1. Gazela
  2. You don't want to see me
  3. Shine
Moon Pollen Photo

Moon Pollen

  1. I hope that you think of me
  2. Yellow
  3. Somewhere in the Universe
Party Girl Photo

Party Girl

  1. Employee of the Month
  2. Margarita
  3. Bamboo Beats
The Anomalies Photo

The Anomalies

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